
Novelty Leads to Change. Do We Like Only One, and Not the Other?

People like new things that are novel.

They don't like new things that bring change.

And yet, doesn't the former almost always lead to the latter?

As an expert in your field, you got to where you are based on your past experiences.

The future will not remain the same.

Hence the need for constant learning and updating.

That is, if you want to continue being a recognised expert in your field.

Another Book Update

I am very pleased to announce that I have finally finished writing and organising the content of my upcoming book - The Introvert Teacher: Be an Effective, Empowered Educator.

Now, all I have to do is to run through the editing myself, have someone else proofread it, and then send it for final layout and editing by my publisher.

I am currently looking for quotes. If you'd like to see your name in print, head over to my Project page for more details! Just click the link below: