
Becoming a Sought-After Expert? That's Tough.

Being an expert is easy.

Being a sought-after expert is what's difficult.

To become good at something, all you need is the general correct direction, a little self-awareness (or someone else's awareness), and plenty of time.

Relatively speaking, it's easy. Just a little tedious and tiring.

Now that you have that expertise, though, letting people know that you have it? That's the tough next step.

Because even with determination, resources, and time, it won't automatically happen.

For this, you need the right guidance.

By right, I mean guidance towards actions that will work for you in your particular situation and field of expertise.

Blindly copying someone else won't necessarily work for you.

It has to fit you. Like a glove.

Why I Won't Write a Book About Other People's Expertise, Experiences, and/or Stories

Writing a book that is a collection of other people's expertise / experiences / stories doesn't make you an expert.

Oh, it will certainly allow you to be perceived as an expert.

And it makes you a good collator of information, and, if you've been paying attention, a good student of your interviewees.

But you're not really an expert.

Not yet, anyway.

This isn't to say that you shouldn't write a book.

I'm just saying that it may make more sense to write a book about something you are personally good at, even if it's not necessarily a "marketable" or "popular" book.

If I want to learn from a known expert about their expertise, why would I learn it second hand from someone else?

Unless that person has something valuable to add.

Post Your Thoughts Without Pictures

Posting more regularly now, I find that one of my posting blocks has always been finding / making the pictures that are supposed to "enhance" my text.

It's such a waste of time.

I can't remember where I picked up this erroneous idea that, without graphics, nobody is going to read your post.

To demonstrate how pervasive this is, all you have is look at your own feed and count the number of boring stock photos being used that have little to nothing to do with the post.

Sure, quite a number of people are first attracted to interesting graphics, but if you're spending more time on finding or making an "attractive thumbnail" than what you're actually sharing / producing, you need to re-think your priorities.

And IF nobody reads your post because you didn't put up a graphic, it kind of shows what kind of audience you've been cultivating and contributing to.

Seriously, cut the graphics, unless you're actually talking about them or using them to make your point.

Words alone are fine.

If you're one of the rare few who also posts without pictures, I read your posts when I come across them.

How To Let Others Know What You're Good At

There are many ways to let others know that you're well-versed in a subject:

1) Show them your credentials and certifications.

Probably the default way here in sunny Singapore, this definitely works with the right crowd.

For example, you'd want to do this if you're presenting to a group of academics.

You might want to skip this if your audience comprises self-made business owners who didn't go through tertiary education.

2) Present your successful and not-so-successful case studies

This may or may not be in the form of a story.

Maybe it's the scientist in me, or maybe it's my information hoarding tendencies that say, "Just the facts, Ma'am," but, personally, I don't like presenters who tell a story for everything.

Certain things can just be a list on a slide, a chart, or a graph.

My point is, present your case studies in a way that makes sense to your audience. And switch up your methods as necessary.

This isn't one-size-fits-all.

3) Make your knowledge accessible

Any time someone asks for your opinion / advice, give it to them.

Build up an archive of what you know, and put it up where others can find it.

I started with a blog, then social platforms, and now I'm working towards podcasting and videos.

I didn't say to give it away for free, necessarily.

Charge for it if you want, but make it accessible.

Nobody will know what you know, if they don't know that you know what you know.

I'll stop now and give you a second to process that.