
A Meeting With Interesting Minds and Intriguing Methods

A couple of days ago, I had a face-to-face meeting with someone I met at a face-to-face networking event.

We discussed an initiative that he first mentioned in passing during that networking event - to bring business education to a number of Asian countries.

That in itself may not sound novel, but the method model with which he wants to do it is.

And I got to briefly meet a couple of his business partners, who have very interesting backgrounds and ways of thinking about things.

So does the person with whom I arranged the meeting.

I'll be doing some hard ideation and connecting in the coming days, to come up with something to contribute to this initiative.

Thinking back, this incident was a stark reminder to me that this is all different, with new ways of thinking, and of doing things.

Just look at my first sentence. 2 years ago, I wouldn't have had to add "face-to-face" to that sentence. Twice.

It's a new world out there. And I'm gearing up to meet it.

How Introverts Can Be More Confident When Meeting People

Last month, I was at PSB Academy STEM Campus, and I was interviewed by Marc Wong for a series of videos that he has been planning to produce for the benefit of students and alumni of PSB Academy - a series that he calls Career Cookies - with a short message in each video, like fortune cookies (which, if you watched Iron Man 3, is an American invention, not a Chinese one).

But I digress.

Marc asked if I would speak about introversion and how introverts can become more confident when they meet people. So, I did.

And here's the video!

3 Tips in the video:

1) Have a Conversation Starter with you. For me, it’s often a book or my camera.

2) Aim to meet just ONE person per event. Follow up, and talk to this person about something that interests you.

3) Keep practising! All skills can be mastered!

The importance of networking shouldn't be discounted when you're looking for a job or moving up the career ladder. But for some people who might be of a shy ...

Thank You For Being Part of My 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, I would like to thank all the incredible people I've met this past year.

SG100 Meeting

Whether it was at a Trainers' Synergy gathering, a SG100 meet-up, an APTS meeting, an Introverts' Network get-together, or the numerous workshops, conferences and events I attended or participated in this year, I was glad to meet you.

Thank you for sharing your experience and for being so generous with your time.

SuperBrand Me - 18 Sep 2017
Yangon PDC 2017
Last APTS Meeting of 2017

Some of you I met during mission trips, church events (especially our recently concluded stage production - Close Quarters) and church services.

Thank you for demonstrating the love and grace of our Lord, for doing what you do in God's service, and for being a part of the body of Christ. 

Cambodia Mission Team - 30 Jun - 03 July 2017
Close Quarters Cast

I would like to specially thank you who were at my wedding, my speaking engagements, as well as my book launch. 

Wedding - BC Peeps.jpg
Wedding - SAC People
Book Launch with Trainers

Thank you for being there to show your support, love and care.

To you whom I have known for years, thank you for your friendship. We may not have been able to meet as often as we'd like, but know that you hold a place in my heart.

As we dive into 2018, I wish you clear direction, excellent opportunities and endless delights.

Thank you for being part of my 2017. I look forward to journeying with you in 2018.

Happy 2018

A Commemorative Dinner, A Book Launch, An Opportunity to Collaborate

On Wednesday, I attended an event at SAFRA Toa Payoh - 'Lest We Forget' - a dinner to commemorate the passing of our Senior Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and to work towards continuing his legacy of nation-building and raising up future leaders.

The event was organised by the SG100 Foundation (yes, the same one that organised the SG100 Carnival in January this year) and it was a huge affair - 500 people across many industries, of various expertise and with myriad life experiences.

I met familiar faces and connected with some whom I only knew by name. I also got to meet new people and I look forward to working with them on future projects and collaborations.

The event was also a book launch of B.O.L.D: Be Outstanding Living Your Dreams. This is a book containing interviews of 10 inspiring individuals who have impacted and changed lives, in which they share their experiences and offer nuggets of wisdom to the future generations.

I was particularly interested in the interview with Fandi (Ahmad), for whom I did the photoshoot in February. It's always a pleasure to know that your work is good enough to be published and immortalised in a book.

The book will be available in bookstores very soon!