July Week Of Many Events

In the coming week, I will be meeting with a business developer friend for one of the training companies I work with.

I will be discussing the possibility of introducing new programmes involving some other trainers I met and myself. Thus far, I have not seen any programmes in the Singapore education industry that are similar in scope. Well, pioneering a niche is always a good experience. Whether it succeeds or not, we will learn something from it.

I am also working on helping a couple get their wedding bands made. Their wedding date is coming up and it's all quite a rush, but I have a very reliable designer and smith who is able to do it. Now, it's all up to the couple, whether they are willing to go ahead with the project. Their alternative is to simply buy ready-made bands from one of the many jewellery shops / chains in Singapore.

My other suggestion was for them to visit the upcoming Gem & Jewellery Fair at Marina Bay Convention Centre and look for a suitable pair of rings there. It's a little hard to believe that the event is almost here, meaning that a year has passed so quickly.

There'll also be a network / training session on Wednesday evening this week. It'll be good to catch up with some familiar faces. I must say that I'm glad to have expanded my network of like-minded people in the past couple of years. Before, I wondered if I was the only person doing what I do. Now, I know that there are actually many others who are similar to me in my work life and style.

I'll also be attending a housewarming party by a couple who recently got married. I haven't seen them in a while, so that'll be a good chance to see how they are. 

All in all, it's going to be event after event this week. Let's get productive!