
As March Comes Marching In

It feels like almost yesterday that it was January!

And yet, the calendar isn't lying. It's already the 1st week of March! It's already the 3rd month of the year 2017!

Time passes really quickly when your mind is occupied.

I have managed to keep up many of the habits and incremental goals that I began in January, though I have slipped up on a couple of them. Well, now that it's almost the 2nd quarter of the year, I'm going to have to review them and make updates and changes.

I started this initiative of listing down habits to keep because of a series of videos I watched on Valuetainment, a YouTube channel by Patrick Bet-David that teaches entrepreneurship and gives exercises and advice on getting your own life in order. 

A key point about this channel that I appreciate deeply is how straight-talking Patrick, the host of the channel, is. He doesn't mince words and tells you straight in the face what you need to do if you intend on running a business properly. It's not about motivation and pep talks - it's about real-life examples and how-to's.

If you haven't heard of them, I highly recommend that you get to watching as soon as possible!

A Post-Christmas Post

It's been a busy Christmas weekend. With an extra public holiday on Monday, I was able to spend more time with my friends than I otherwise would have.

Though we didn't exactly discuss New Year resolutions or next steps, having some casual time was very welcome, especially since we have been very busy over the past few months and only met up sporadically.

It seems that 2017 looks to be a year of great transition. Friends are getting married, doing up their newly-bought homes, planning the next phase of life.

It was a rainy Christmas Eve when I took the picture attached in this post. And it was on that day that I stumbled upon Valuetainment on YouTube, an entrepreneurship-themed channel headed by Patrick Bet-David, as I spent a lot of time over the weekend pondering my next steps.

I spent hours watching the content and found Patrick to be down-to-earth and straight-talking with his advice and knowledge. Truth be told, I wondered why I hadn't come across his channel sooner.

I sent the link to a few of my entrepreneurial-minded friends and continued to learn from the videos. One of Patrick's videos encouraged viewers to download and do a questionnaire on his website. When I looked at the questionnaire, I realised how in-depth it is and how it wants to bring past mindsets, hurts and fears to the surface. 

I have yet to do the questionnaire, but I will over the next few days. I hope to emerge with a better understanding of myself and be clearer in my plans for 2017. Once I'm through with it, I'll likely post an update on what I learned from it. Until then, stay tuned.

You may never see this post, Patrick, but thank you for putting up such great content, and for being so open and generous with your experience.

Rainy Christmas Eve