
We All Need Support and Teams of People Behind Us and Beside Us

The most celebrated names of today did not get there on their own.

Sure, they are likely good at something, but they can't possibly be good at everything.

They have teams of people supporting them and what they do.

Where would an Olympic athlete be without his/her coach?

Where would a world leader be without his/her support, logistics, and information supply teams?

Where would Bill, Jeff, and Mark be without their design, marketing, and sales teams?

Going it alone may sound heroic, but it's needless suffering.

And should you somehow succeed, whom are you going to share your joy with?

I'm on Clubhouse (Android) and It's Interesting. I'll Stick With It.

Clubhouse was recently made available to Android users.

I wasn’t sure if it was a little too late and if they had missed hitting their critical mass, but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

A number of featuers were missing, including the ability to show links to your other social media IDs, which I thought was a pretty glaring omission.

As a highly auditory individual, I’ve always enjoyed listening to the radio and, later, podcasts. No surprises that I enjoy Clubhouse as well.

I certainly prefer it far more than Zoom meetings, for the one major benefit that I don’t have to be visible and nobody else is either.

For all I know, the person speaking at any one time may be in the toilet, walking around in his underwear, or tucked cosily in bed.

And it doesn’t matter!

I’ve listened in on discussions about the pandemic, politics, travel, people offering useful tips for various things, and even improv jazz performances.

I’ve also shared my thoughts to complete strangers.

All without having to dress up, prepare my background, and make sure I look presentable.

Clubhouse is interesting. And I’m going to stick with it for a while.

Clubhouse Profile - 30 May 2021.jpg

Is It Wise to Share Your Thoughts Online?

The great thing about having your own space online is that you can write whatever you want!

Well, that’s not quite true.

Even though we’ve carved a space out, it never really belongs to us.

Furthermore, it’s still visible to others.

And that visibility forces us to censor ourselves.

As such, there are certain things that I would NEVER talk about online.

Not out of fear of what others might say, but simply out of a sort of understanding. That this will never be a truly ‘safe’ zone.

So where do I go to express those thoughts?

When I talk to someone I can trust.

Or I simply pen them down (yes, with a real pen) on paper (yes, real paper).

I HIGHLY recommend the writing option.

That said, I’m sharing these thoughts online.
