
I Had My Identi3 Profile Analysed and Got Some Interesting Insights!

If you’ve read my book - The Introvert Teacher - you’ll know that I’m intensely curious about human behaviours and psychology. Actually, come to think of it, if you’ve had a long enough conversation with me, you’ll find that out too.

I’ve done a number of psychometric tests and my results have been fairly constant.

They tell a consistent narrative of what I understand about myself.

So, when I heard about the Identi3 profiling tool, I was curious, though I did wonder if I would learn anything new about myself.

But, for science, I decided to do it. With the help of a certified profiler, of course.

It consisted of an test taken through their website, and a meetup to explain the results.

It turns out that, apart from being an Investigator, someone who enjoys challenging ideas and concepts, I am also an Expositor, someone who is good at expressing myself - in my case, through verbal and written means, and an Artist, someone who enjoys artistic expression and creative freedom.

So, in a nutshell, I live mainly in my head, come up with unusual, out-of-the-box ideas that I easily explain to others in ways that they can understand.

Sounds about right.

In fact, it sounds like what a consultant does.

Perhaps that is the line of work I should be pursuing.

I’ve recently been re-evaluating my plans for becoming a speaker. Though I feel that my message is one that others will benefit from hearing, I wonder if it’s truly as important as I think it is - important enough, that is, to make a career out of talking about it.

I’m not entirely convinced that it is, though I have constantly received feedback that it is an interesting and thought-provoking subject.

And yet, interesting and thought-provoking are not strong enough traits for me to base everything on. Above that, I need to know that it is important to do.

So, this is the clarity that I seek.

With it, I can make a better decision.

In the meantime, as I seek it, I will continue to do work that I know is important.


Becoming More Visible Online

Taking a cue from some of the books I've been reading, I decided to spruce up my online profile. I haven't started work on my LinkedIn profile yet, but it'll be the next step.

In today's ever-connected world, if you cannot be found on the Internet, you have zero credibility. So, to ensure that I don't end up in that state, I'm going to be working on becoming more visible and accessible.

I'm intending to turn this into a more profession-oriented site (for myself, of course). So, there are going to be some changes.

If you haven't already, check out my Speaker and Trainer pages!

Let me know your thoughts.

Here's a sleepy cat I photographed while I was in Taiwan (many years ago).

Here's a sleepy cat I photographed while I was in Taiwan (many years ago).