
Is Mental Wellness Regarded as Unimportant?

Yesterday, I did a project management workshop for a local secondary school (of a rather high caliber). The purpose of this was to get the students into groups to promote a lifestyle to their fellow schoolmates.

They were given choices of topics ranging from increasing exercise time to smoking prevention. As there were more groups than topics, many groups worked on the same topic but managed to produce diverse ideas without consulting each other - evidence of the power of many minds.

What stood out to me was that none of the groups chose to promote mental wellness.

I originally attributed this to a possible lack of knowledge on the subject or that the topic was too broad. However, as I started to think about it, I wondered if it was simply regarded as unimportant compared to a healthy physical lifestyle, good eating habits and abstinence from tobacco and alcohol.

Perhaps this occurred due to a non-emphasis on mental health, that stress, anxiety and depression are seen as normal in our society.

There is no doubt that we are always told to 'Chin up!' and get on with what we are supposed to do, to fake confidence in the face of uncertainty and even to hide mental disorders or risk being stigmatised by others as 'crazy' or 'insane'.

Is this really the way we want the next generation to grow up believing? That nobody wants to hear about their problems and that they need to handle their issues on their own? Is this why we are becoming so cold and uncaring?

Thoughts to ponder upon...

The Scream

Life Management (from The Introvert Teacher)

Managing your life by de-cluttering your schedule and spending time in the right places will provide you with nothing but benefits:

1) You will be more relaxed and happier

With time set aside to relax and do things that you enjoy, you will be able to release stress from work and life in general. You will also likely be better organised, more well-balanced and more confident as a result of better planning building up your sense of readiness.

2) You will be healthier

With less stress, a higher level of happiness and more energy, you will be able to better enjoy life. Also, you will feel much less need to binge on unhealthy food or rush your meals. You can also fit in more time for exercise – even something as simple as a 15-minute walk after dinner.

3) You will enjoy better relationships

Giving the right amount of time to the right relationships, you will be able to spend more time with your loved ones and they will appreciate the effort you are making. You may be able to meet an old friend for lunch or dinner more frequently and be happily immersed in conversation without worrying about your looming deadlines.

4) Others will benefit more from you

You will be able to give more time to those who need you. Perhaps you can volunteer more often with your favourite charity organisation, support a cause you believe in, or get things done around the house that you have been putting off. You will be able to help prioritise tasks at work, increasing overall efficiency of your team, and, with more time to relax, you will be more likely to come up with great ideas.

5) You can be a positive role model

When others see how together you have made yourself, they will want to learn more from you. Everybody wants to know how they can get their act together. You can show them how.