Stop Wasting My Time on Ice Breaker Games and Energiser Activities
Ice-breaker and “energiser” activities.
I learned them.
I’ve been asked to conduct them.
I hate them.
Why make everyone stand up and move around needlessly, answer frivolous questions, and waste precious time that could be better spent on other things?
When I attend a workshop, seminar, course, etc., I don’t care what the person beside me likes to eat for breakfast or what movies he/she likes.
I don’t even care what his/her opinion is on anything.
I’m there to learn something from the speaker/trainer, not from random members of the audience.
In turn, I respect the time and energy of my audience by getting straight to the point as soon as I’ve introduced myself.
And, so far, I’ve never received a single comment or piece of feedback that wished for ice-breaker or “energiser” activities.
I’m certainly not stopping other trainers/educators from running these activities if they feel that it’s important to their flow.
Just, for goodness’ sake, give your audience the option of opting out, keep them concise, and at least explain the activity once it’s over.
I am of the opinion that it makes more sense to be the energy-giver, especially right at the start, instead of demanding that your audience generates their own.