
A Personal Branding Workshop

On Wednesday, I attended a workshop on personal branding. With no idea of what to expect, I went with an open mind.

Though the basics of the concepts were known to me, I never connected them the way that the presenter did - yet another reason to be constantly learning.

The workshop was practical. The participants were tasked to complete 5 steps, one after another, until a story was formed. As with all stories, there had to be a before and an after, revolving around a pivotal moment.

I found that it was easier to focus on a specific epiphany than to find meaning in my numerous experiences, simply because there were too many to sift through.

With that, my story has been formulated, but not refined. It'll be something I'll work on over the next few days.

Attending this workshop also reminded me of my need to be constantly seeking new knowledge and reaching out towards new contacts. You never know who you might meet in these events.