Chung Cheng

Attending the Chung Cheng 80th (CCHS 80) Anniversary Homecoming Carnival @ Chung Cheng High School (Main) [CCHMS] (Where Else?)

This post is slightly late, considering that the event was almost 2 months ago!

Nevertheless, here it is!

The CCHS 80 Homecoming Carnival was a celebration of Chung Cheng High School (Main)’s 80th anniversary.

Needless to say, I was there as a proud alumnus.

Here are few pictures I took:

Chung Cheng Lake 2.jpg
Chung Cheng Lake 3.jpg
Chung Cheng Auditorium.jpg
Chung Cheng Auditorium 2.jpg
Chung Cheng Gate.jpg
Chung Cheng 80.jpg
Chung Cheng Bear.jpg

If you are looking for the high-res versions, drop me a message! :)