I Had an Early Experience With an Out of Control Class. It was Quite a Lesson. Literally.

Early in my career as an educator, I was placed as an assistant trainer to a senior trainer in the company I was working at.

The school we were running the programme in had a reputation.

A good one.

When we entered the school, something felt off. I couldn't quite pinpoint it until we commenced class.

Despite the best efforts of the senior trainer, the students refused to settle down and fights nearly broke out at least twice (among the students).

Even the form teacher of the class, who was sitting in, couldn't exert any control. And we had 4 or 5 lessons with them in total.

Later, I heard similar stories from another trainer (from the same company) who was teaching another class in another location in the school.

For obvious reasons, I cannot disclose the identity of the school. It was, to put it mildly, my worst-ever experience of disciplinary problems in a school.

I've heard since then that the situation in the school had improved over the years, but, as I've never been back there, I cannot confirm or deny the truth of this.

The upshot of this is that every other school seems, in comparison, so much better.

Because I always compare potentially bad experiences to this one, I end up being always thankful even when things go slightly awry.

Framing. Such an important thing.