The Introvert Teacher - Nearing Completion

At last! The final cover art of The Introvert Teacher is completed, approved and has been sent to update all current materials.

Layout initial approval has been given and is underway for the rest of the chapters of the book.

Other little details for different parts of the book have also been submitted and everything is under production with my publisher.

I have to say that I didn't think that this phase would take so long. In my head, it was a 'OK, let's go ahead and do it' moment and everything will fall into place.

It seems that I still have much to learn about the publishing industry.

I'm glad that I'm getting to learn it now, through my first book, with helpful guidance from an experienced and professional team.

I have little doubt that if I had to do all this on my own, my book publishing won't even be halfway done.

So here's a HUGE thank you to my publishing team!

The Introvert Teacher Book Cover