First Step into Fiverr

Some of you have heard of Fiverr or even used the myriad services listed there.

Personally, I've always thought that it was a great idea to sell your services as well as test the market for what they are willing to pay for. Of course, it'll help to know how to market them.

Having recently met a successful Fiverr seller (not sure if this is the correct term to use), I decided to learn from him and see how he does it. He will be guiding me through the process and giving me feedback. I've always wanted to sell on Fiverr. I just never figured out how to do it properly and was concerned about how to beat the top sellers for attention.

Well, I think I've found my key into Fiverr. I'll continue to update when I learn stuff that I think will be useful to you.

Until my next post, here's a picture of some very pretty peridot chips.

peridot chips