A New Year Has Dawned!

It's a little late but better late than never, eh?

Happy New Year to you. I hope that this will be a year of fruitfulness, joy and learning for you and yours.

The main reason that this post is so late is that I spent the past few days mainly at home, down with some pretty severe food poisoning. I have absolutely no idea what brought it on but it's no way to start the new year.

Nevertheless, it's subsiding and my brain is functioning more normally now so I can type properly.

As a follow-up to my previous post, I decided that my Word of the Year for 2016 will be 'Speak'.

I intend to:

a) Become a true-blue professional Speaker (finally!)

b) Speak for necessary change

c) Speak, not just talk

d) Speak to new contacts and networks