Projects, projects, projects!

As December draws to a close, it feels more and more urgent to get my major projects of 2015 done speedily so I can work on new ones when 2016 kicks off.

The Introvert Teacher has gone through its first round of editing. Now it's up to me to decide on whether to keep the changes and/or make further ones. I'm also working on its marketing materials, book launch ideas - yes, you are invited ;) - and so on.

Realistically, it might only be out around February or March. Chinese New Year would be great but I'm not entirely sure if it's possible. Let's find out!

My major project for The Gem Hunter is coming to fruition. Without giving too much away, some supplies have come in, while others are yet to be ordered (too much choice makes things tough, doesn't it?).

The original plan was to launch on Christmas week. This is starting to seem difficult but I will try.

Yet another project, the production of my long-dreamt-about gemology curriculum, is going well. Three chapters done, two more to go (unless I switch some things around)! It should be done by January! Just in time for the school year!

Time to get off my rear and make things happen! 2016 approaches!