Put What You Know to Use, Whether it’s Professional or Not

Somehow, I've managed to put a lot of what I know to some professional use, whether it's my ability to write, edit, speak, teach, take good photos, or, most unexpected of all, my love for gemstones.

I suppose honing skills that can be used in multiple domains is never a waste, even if you don't consciously think that you are developing those skills.

And perhaps that's the secret - to unconsciously improve them, not necessarily as part of your professional life.

Spend More Time Generating, Less Time Consuming

If I could turn back time, I'd probably have spent a bit more time generating and that bit less time consuming.

Not that I regret the time I've spent perusing, pondering, and planning, I just feel that I could have put my creative processes to more use.

Coming to this realisation, I can do more moving forward.

Write more.

Take more pictures.

Cook more new dishes.

I don't need to pick up new art forms, because I've already chosen mine, and would rather spend the time honing them.

So there it is, perhaps it'll be my Word of the Year in 2022.

Knee-jerk Reactions, Better Safe Than Sorry? Consider the Consequences First.

Knee-jerk reactions over the unknown.

Like a child adamantly refusing to enter his own room until the light is switched on, it's a self-preservation mechanism.

Behind it is a bit of the old adage, "better safe than sorry". And it's understandable.

Nobody wants to put themselves in potential danger.

And yet, there are consequences to every reaction.

It will be prudent to consider them.

Before a Major Project / Operation, What Do You Do?

Storing up resources and making intricate plans before a major operation seems like the sensible thing to do.

And yet, there are those who have succeeded by going in lean, living off the land, and accumulating quick wins.

Neither is always the right thing to do, because so many factors are involved.

I have always been partial to the former, but I've been learning more and more to take steps towards trying the latter.